What was/is your childhood ambition?

“Any man who tries to be good all the time is bound to come to ruin among the great number who are not good. Hence a prince who wants to keep his authority must learn how not to be good, and use that knowledge, or refrain from using it, as necessity requires”

~ “The Prince”, Nicolo Machiavelli, 1469-1527

hey say that who we are is a product of the events of our childhood. I imagine that my life would offer no exception to that particular adage. I decided at a very young age that I would never be the victim of someone else’s power and control. I suppose it could be said that it was always my ambition to rule, if not over others certainly over all aspects of my own life. I daresay that I have achieved both of these things.

I learned first hand how the powerful could either take the power they had and could give great benefit to those around them, or cause incredible pain and suffering. As a child, it was Morgienne, the woman who was then the High Lady of the Fortunate Island who took my mother from me. It happened when I was very small and I did not learn of her treachery until I was on the edge of womanhood. When I did learn of it, it became an all consuming passion; an obsession. I made it a point to study all forms of Power, its Laws and Mysteries. I committed them all to memory and I used them and turned them on upon those who would choose to exploit me and mine.

Even as a child, my ambition was to rule. To be successful, I learned the art of duplicity, which at any court is absolutely essential. With Morgienne, I was unmerciful as she in fact was unmerciful. Constantly over the course of my life, I watched, I observed all the while discreetly insuring that I would take my revenge as well as the throne of High Lady of the Fortunate Island. All that need happen was for nature to take its course. At last, the people saw her for what she truly was, her star began to fade and she was weak enough to be struck. If I had been convinced to be foolish enough to let her live, the viper would have reared up and bit me once more. Morgienne would not have been merciful, and so the viper was destroyed, swiftly, without hesitation and all remnants of her regime swept away. My childhood ambition was at last realized, my desire for vengeance had at last been exorcized.

Muse: Fanny Fae
Fandom: Original Character / Folklore Mythology
Word Count: 380 (Michavelli quote not included in count)
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14 responses to “What was/is your childhood ambition?

  1. To be successful, I learned the art of duplicity, which at any court is absolutely essential.

    I have seen many at court learn that lesson with far greater diligence than ever they learned their Latin. Yet once good fortune and favor have fattened purse and paunch alike, they grow complacent, eager to put aside their masks and wear one face for every occasion.

    Such a face, I’ve found, does not long keep its head.

    • Then that would be a fool, Your Majesty. Any ruler who is complacent is quite easily toppled.

      • My husband was certainly a fool. Yet he proved difficult to depose, if only because his complacency put him in thrall to men of a far more ruthless nature.

        Unlike your Morgienne, Edward would not have made a worthy viper. Indeed, he would not have made a worthy barn snake.

        • Even the men who held him in thrall did not have the advantage of proximity that you had. I have heard of his repeated insults to you and to your beloved France and my only commmentary must be that greater men have gone to the block for far less. You bode your time patiently and well and dispatched of him quite admirably, Your Majesty.

          Whether he was a viper or a barn snake, serpents can be nothing other than what they are. Such creatures must be destroyed, or else they consume all that is good around them and corrupt it utterly.

  2. There is something I do each time I draw my sword. I do not consider what I am about to kill, but what I am allowing to live. A treacherous snake like Morgienne has received exactly what she deserved.

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